Master's degree in MNU represents the level of education that follows after the bachelor's degree and is aimed at in-depth study of a certain field of knowledge or specialization. The program is useful for those who seek to expand their knowledge and skills, improve their professional qualifications in their field of activity, as well as for those who aim at a career in a scientific or academic field.

Doctoral (РhD) studies in MNU represents fundamental educational, methodological and research training and in-depth study of disciplines in narrow areas of science for the system of higher and postgraduate education, and the research area. The program includes international internships, training sessions and consultations with well-known foreign scientists and professors.
possibility of combining work and studying
opportunity to gain international
academic experience
professional training for obtaining international certifications
Except "Law" and "International Law" programs
Postgraduate education programmes
GEP: D078 Law (3 years)
The program is aimed at training academic staff in the field of national law, able to conduct independent scientific research and make a significant contribution to the development of science in the Republic.
Main disciplines:
Language of instruction: Russian
Qualitative Research Methods and Ethics
Quantative Research Methods
Advanced Publishing
GEP: D070 Economics (3 years)
The PhD program in Economics is aimed at developing in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical research skills to shape future professional researchers with an emphasis on empirical research in economics for both academic and research careers.

Graduates of the program will be able to work in academia, international and local research institutions, and government agencies.
Main disciplines:
Qualitative Research Methods and Ethics
Quantative Research Methods
Advanced Publishing
Language of instruction: English
Scientific internship
Doctoral students, as part of their research work, undergo field internships in foreign educational and scientific organizations once in the entire period of study for at least 30 calendar days, in order to improve the scientific foundation of their thesis research, obtain advice from foreign specialists and work in the leading libraries of the world.
The place of internship corresponds to the scientific direction of the educational program, the subject of the PhD thesis and the place of work of the foreign consultant.
The internship is carried out in leading foreign scientific organizations and educational institutions that occupy the first 1000 positions in international rankings or the first 200 positions in the relevant field (by subject).
Internship programs are implemented within the framework of agreements between the University and foreign partner universities, as well as memoranda with foreign consultants. The documentation support of the internship (business trip orders, cost estimates) is provided by the Higher School.

The Science Committee of the MNU Law School considers applications from doctoral students for an internship abroad with the setting of mandatory criteria for the successful internship.
The admission
for the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Step 1. Take the Entrance Exams
Entrance exams for groups of educational programs for doctoral studies are held within the following terms:
Applications for doctoral studies in organizations of higher and postgraduate education are accepted by admissions committees of organizations of higher and postgraduate education and through the NTC information system (through https://app.testcenter.kz/auth/registration) within the following terms:
Summer admission
from July 3 to August 3 of the calendar year
Winter admission
from October 25 to November 10 of the calendar year
The electronic certificate of the entrance exam is confirmed on the website of the NTC.
*Certificate of the entrance exam conducted during the period from August 4 to August 20, valid until December 1 of the current calendar year;

*Certificate of the entrance exam conducted during the period from November 18 to December 11, valid until March 1 of the next calendar year.
Step 2. Get a passing score
The number of additional test tasks is 100 questions.

The passing score is 75 points.
When submitting documents, the applicant indicates one organization of higher and postgraduate education and one group of educational programs.
The entrance exam consists of the following blocks:
  1. the interview with the applicant conducted by the organization's examination board - 30 points;
  2. submitting an essay - 20 points;
  3. answers to exam questions on the profile of the groups of educational programs (GEP) - 50 points.
The entrance exam takes 3 hours and 30 minutes (210 minutes):
Summer admission
from 4 to 20 August of the calendar year
  1. The interview is aimed at assessing the professional and personal qualities of the applicant as well as the potential for conducting research or experimental research work.
  2. The interview is conducted remotely with the obligatory use of video conferencing. The video recording is kept in archive for at least three years.
  3. The interview is formalized by a protocol, signed by the chairman, members and secretary of the examination committee.
  4. In case of absence of the applicant on the interview, applicant gets 0 points and a protocol is formalized, signed by the chairman, members and secretary of the examination commission.
Winter admission
from November 19 to December 11 of the
calendar year
Admission to the doctoral program is held within the following terms:
Step 3. Submit the documents to the admissions committee
Applicants for doctoral studies should submit the following set of documents:
  • free-form application;
  • academic credentials (original, when submitting documents to the admissions committee);
  • identification document (required for identification);
  • the official certificate of passing state language exam (KAZTEST), issued by the NTC, with the exception of foreign citizens;
  • certificate confirming proficiency in a foreign language;
  • a medical certificate in the form 075/y;
  • 6 photos of 3x4 centimeters;
  • a document confirming employment, according to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the exception of foreign citizens;
  • list of scientific publications for the last 3 calendar years (if available), research plan and essay;
Summer admission
from 15 to 28 August of the calendar year
*The documents listed in points 4), 5) and 8) are provided in originals and copies, after verification the originals are returned to the applicant.
*If an incomplete list of documents specified in this paragraph is provided, the admission committee does not accept documents from applicants.
Winter admission
from December 26 to January 10 of the calendar year
20 minutes
Writing an essay and filling out exam questions
on the profile of GEP
190 minutes
(3 hours and 10 minutes)
essay topics
D078 Law (3 years)
D070 Economics (3 years)
Application for PhD in Economics
Entry questions to apply for PhD in Economics
Level 1
Question 1
1. Weekly wages are known to be normally distributed with a standard deviation of £5.10. An economist claims that the mean weekly income in this industry is £70.40. A random sample of 35 workers yields a mean income of £75.20.
a) What null and alternative hypothesis would you specify?
b) Generate a 95% confidence interval for the sample mean.
c) Use a classical hypothesis test at the 5% level of significance to test the null hypothesis.
Question 2
You are a member of a team of scientific advisors considering whether genetic modification of crops has any health consequences for the population. You set up the issue as one of hypothesis testing:
a) What would be your null and alternative hypothesis
b) Explain what Type I and Type II errors are in this context
c) Outline the costs involved in making Type I and Type II errors
Question 3
The variable smokes is a binary variable equal to one if a person smokes, and zero
otherwise. Using the data on 807 individuals on 10 variables:
- educ: years of schooling
- cigpric: state cig. price, cents/pack
- white: =1 if white
- age: in years
- income: annual income, $
- cigs: cigs. smoked per day
- restaurn: =1 if the person lives in a state with restaurant smoking restrictions, the following equation is estimated:

Both the usual and heteroskedasticity robust standard errors are reported.
a) Are there any important differences between the two sets of standard errors?
b) Holding other factors fixed, if education increases by four years, what happens to the estimated probability of smoking?
c) At what point does another year of age reduce the probability of smoking?
d) Interpret the coefficient on the binary variable restaurn.
Question 4
Consider an equation to explain salaries of CEOs in terms of annual firm sales, return on equity (roe, in percent form), and return on the firm’s stock (roe, in percent form):

a) By what percent is salary predicted to increase, if ros increases by 50 points? Does ros have a practically large effect on salary?
b) Test the null hypothesis that ros has no effect on salary, against the alternative that ros has a positive effect. Carry out the test at the 10% significance level.
c) Would you include ros in a final model explaining CEO compensation in terms of firm performance? Explain.
Question 5
Which of the following can cause the usual OLS t statistics to be invalid (that is, not to have t distributions under H0)?
a) Heteroskedasticity.
b) A sample correlation coefficient of 0.95 between two independent variables that are in the model.
c) Omitting an important explanatory variable.

Question 1
List and explain Gauss-Markov assumptions.
Question 2
Explain what is heteroskedasticity and how the problem of heteroskedasticity might be resolved.
Question 3
Which measures of goodness of fit for the regression models do you know? Discuss their appropriateness for specific models.
Question 4
What is the model misspecification and how could it be resolved?
Question 5
What is consistency of OLS model?
Question 6
In macroeconomics, the business cycle refers to …
A) Fluctuations in the general price level.
B) Fluctuations in the level of output.
C) Fluctuations in inflationary expectations.
D) Fluctuations in government expenditures.
Question 7
If the central bank of a country decides to reduce the short-term interest rates, this likely means that…
A) The economy is booming, and the central bank is trying to cool it down.
B) The central bank is worried about the value of the domestic currency and wants to boost it.
C) The central bank is worried about an imminent recession and wants to boost output.
D) The central bank is worried about inflation and wants to stop it.
Question 8
The exchange rate between the domestic and a foreign currency is determined by…
A) The relative tax rates of the countries involved.
B) The monetary strength of the countries involved.
C) The law of supply and demand.
D) The political regime of the countries involved.
Question 9
Which of the following is not different between the Solow and Malthus models?
A) Population growth is exogenous.
B) The production function has decreasing marginal returns.
C) There is capital accumulation.
D) Households save.
Question 10
The marginal product of a factor of production
A) is equal to the ratio of the amount of that factor of production to the amount of output produced.
B) is equal to the amount of additional output that can be produced with one additional unit of each factor input.
C) is equal to the amount of additional output that can be produced with one additional unit of that factor input, holding constant the quantities of the other factor inputs.
D) always exceeds the average product of that factor input, holding constant the quantities of the other factor inputs.
Question 11
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a perfectly competitive industry?
A) The industry consists of many small firms producing similar products.
B) There is no government intervention in the industry.
C) Producers set the price of the products freely.
D) Economic profit is driven to almost zero due to competition.
Question 12
Two points on the same indifference curve represent the same…
A) Price level
B) Income level
C) Capital level
D) Utility level
Question 13
Elasticity in economics is:
A) A term that is used to describe the degree of flexibility in wages.
B) A measure of responsiveness.
C) A relative difference in price and marginal cost.
D) An index used to measure market competitiveness.
Question 14
For a rational consumer who has to choose between two goods in the context of budget constraints, the price change of one of the goods, caeteris paribus, will determine:
A) A parallel shift of the budget line to the left.
B) A change in the slope of the budget line.
C) No change in the budget line.
D) A parallel shift of budget line to the right.
Question 15
Which of the following statements are false?
A) Information, the entrepreneur's ability, technical progress are neo-factors of production.
B) According to the stages of the circular flow of the company's capital, it takes three forms: money, capital goods and commodity.
C) Fixed capital depreciation is only due to physical deterioration.
D) The factors of production are resources attracted and used in economic activity.

Question 1
Explain the concept of “moral hazard” in Economics.
Question 2
What is self-selection and how might it be addressed in economic research?
Question 3
Explain the role of human capital, knowledge, technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation in economic growth and development?
Question 4
Why do economists use mathematic models?
Question 5
Explain the difference between correlation and causation in your own words.

Admission to the "8D04201 Law" PhD program
Questions on the profile of the educational program group D078 Law

Question 1
Petrov, feeling hostile attitude towards his neighbors Ivanovs, who more than once made him remarks about "unworthy" behavior, decided to take their lives. On the scheduled day, expecting that the family members were at home, he opened the door of the Ivanovs' apartment and pounced on Ivanova, who went out to see who had come. With the belt he brought with him, he choked the woman until she stopped showing signs of life. Having passed the rooms, Petrov did not find the owner of the apartment, and remained to wait for him. A few minutes later, Ivanov entered the apartment, and Petrov hit him on the head with an iron. Ivanov died on the spot from the blow received. What is meant by the murder of two or more persons?

Question 2
Feeling hostile attitude towards Kaimetov, Akhmetov saw how the latter was going to meet him. Then Akhmetov snatched a knife from his bosom and hit Kaimetov in the neck. From the received wound, Kaimetov died on the spot. After that, Akhmetov dragged Kaimetov's body into the bushes, threw it in branches and left. After 30 minutes Akhmetov returned, took off his jacket, jacket and gold watch from Kaimetov's body, and took them with him. Theoretical question: what is meant by selfish motives?

Question 3
A Kazakh family from the United States arrived at the Almaty airport: both parents are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have worked and lived in the United States for a long time. In the United States, the couple had a child who received US citizenship. In December 2016, on the eve of the EXPO, the Republic of Kazakhstan introduced a visa-free regime of up to 30 days with several countries, including the United States, based on paragraph 17 of the Rules of entry and stay of immigrants in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as their departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012). However, due to the pandemic, this paragraph was suspended by Government Decree No. 220 (dated April 17, 2020) until May 1, 2021. While passing through the border of Kazakhstan, the Border service refused to let their child, a US citizen, into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Border service acted in full compliance with the national legislation on the regime of crossing the State border by foreigners, even if it was a child. Why are the legal relations indicated in the case the subject of constitutional law?

Question 4
In accordance with the Constitution adopted on May 11, 1979, a bicameral parliament was established in the state of Zamon. The post of the Head of state is elective. According to the Constitution, the head of state has no right to make laws. The government is headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Head of state. The powers of the Prime Minister may be terminated early if the Parliament expresses a vote of no confidence in the Government. The Upper House of Parliament, composed of state representatives, has the power to initiate an impeachment against the head of state, which is being investigated by the Upper House of Parliament of the Zamon State. The Supreme Court has the power to review laws for their compliance with the Constitution. Under Zamon's legislation, the lower courts are obliged to follow the decisions of the Supreme Court. A citizen of the state of Zamon, 15-year-old Rubina, was taken to a local hospital as a result of a traffic accident. Rubina fell into a coma, her body was completely paralyzed. Taking into account the doctor's recommendations, using the right provided by Zamon's legislation, the adoptive parents applied to disconnect Rubina from the life support apparatus. Describe the essence, signs and features of the following concepts: state, law.

Question 5
The Government submitted to the Mazhilis of Parliament a draft law, which provided for an increase in the rate of individual income tax. At a joint meeting of the Chambers of Parliament, it was decided not to accept the submitted draft law. The Prime Minister raised the issue of confidence in the Government and at a joint meeting of the Chambers of Parliament, MPs expressed a vote of no confidence in the Government. The Government announced its resignation to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Explain the concept and stages of the legislative process in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Question 6
On May 20, 2021, IE Osipov (hereinafter referred to as the Claimant) filed a lawsuit to reclaim two mosaic grinders (hereinafter the disputed property), with a total value of 1,632,000 tenge, from the illegal possession of Remontnik LLP (hereinafter the Respondent). Justifying the stated requirements, the Claimant explained that the mosaic grinding machines belonging to him on the right of ownership were transferred to them by AYA LLP for temporary use under a property lease agreement concluded on 15.05.2020 for a period of one year. After the expiration of the lease agreement, it turned out that AYA LLP sold the disputed property to the Respondent in January 2021. The Claimant believes that AYA LLP did not have the right to alienate the disputed property, therefore the Respondent is an illegal owner. According to the Claimant, his claim is to be satisfied, and the disputed property must be reclaimed in accordance with the rules of Art. 260 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (reclaiming property from someone else's illegal possession). The defendant did not acknowledge the claim and objected to the claims presented, referring to his good faith and the acquisition of the disputed property for compensation. Determine the features of vindication and eviction, conduct their relationship.

Question 7
A preliminary agreement was concluded between Sberbank and the “Zarya” Peasant Farm (hereinafter - PF, peasant farm), according to which the parties undertook to conclude a lease agreement for equipment before the end of the sowing period (6 months after the conclusion of the preliminary agreement). The preliminary agreement determined the obligation of the peasant farm, 2 months before sowing, to make an advance payment of 2 million tenge to the bank's current account against future lease payments. Immediately after the receipt of money, the bank is obliged to purchase the necessary equipment from the manufacturer's plant, selected by the peasant farm, and store it for further transfer to the lease of the peasant farm with the terms of the subsequent redemption. After four months, the Bank, pursuant to a preliminary agreement, entered into a purchase and sale agreement with the manufacturer's plant, however, the specified amount of the advance payment was not transferred to the account of the Bank by the peasant farm. Dispute: By the due date, the parties entered into the principal agreement and the next day the bank issued claims for the recovery of a penalty for the late fulfillment of obligations under the preliminary agreement in terms of prepayment. PF objected, pointing out that it could not have any obligations to pay an advance, since the lease agreement had not yet been concluded. In addition, it turned out that as a result of a production defect, after a month of operation, the purchased equipment went out of operation and PF demanded that the manufacturer's plant (seller) replace the equipment within a reasonable time. The plant refused, referring to the fact that it had not entered into any agreement with PF and PF should present all its claims to the Bank, from which it rents this equipment. PF filed a written claim with the Bank to replace the equipment, to which the Bank refused, since, in the opinion of the Bank's representatives, the Seller should be responsible for the quality of the equipment. The bank cannot be held liable for a manufacturing defect of equipment that was purchased from the seller indicated by PF. Please determine which agreement was concluded between the Bank and PF, provide for full civil law identification.

Question 8
Malikov, deciding to give his wife a gift for her 30th birthday, applied to Sberbank to arrange a target loan agreement for the purchase of a car. One of the conditions of the bank for providing for a loan was the condition of securing the loan with a guarantee for half of the loan amount. Malikov asked his friend Petrov, with whom he entered into an agreement on the provision of a loan guarantee on the terms of payment for the specified service in the amount of 10% of the loan amount immediately after receiving money from the Bank. Petrov issued a statement with a notary, according to which he certifies the Bank on the provision of a guarantee in the amount of 10,000,000 tenge to Malikov on an obligation that Malikov will have in the future with the bank when concluding a bank loan agreement in the amount of 20,000,000 tenge for the purchase of a car. Malikov submitted this statement to the bank and entered into a loan agreement. 3 months after the conclusion of the agreement, Malikov had financial difficulties, and he stopped payments on schedule. The bank sued Petrov in the amount of 10,000,000 tenge in connection with Malikov's failure to fulfill his obligations under the agreement. Court dispute 1: Petrov said in court that he had not any debt before the bank, since no agreement had been concluded between him and the bank. In addition, there is also no expression of the will of the debtor in the statement for the provision of a guarantee, and therefore the guarantee agreement cannot be considered concluded. Moreover, Petrov believes that even if there is a guarantee agreement to him (to Petrov), the Bank can make claims only after taking all reasonable measures to collect the debt from Malikov (the debtor). The bank, in support of the concluded guarantee agreement, submitted Petrov's statement and the court satisfied the claim. Court dispute 2: Petrov, by way of recourse, presented claims to Malikov for the same amount. Malikov did not admit the claim and informed the court that they had already paid 2 million tenge to Petrov immediately after receiving the loan. In addition, Petrov did not involve Malikov in the dispute with the Bank and therefore this removes all liability from Malikov. Please determine the due form of the guarantee agreement and indicate the parties to such agreement.

Question 9
On September 15, 2020, the State of Saxony and the State of Laconia entered into an Agreement on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments. On January 18, 2021, the Ministry of Investment of Laconia adopts a Decree on the nationalization of the property of Saxon investor companies that have been developing and producing oil on its territory. On January 20, 2021, Saxony sent an official letter to Laconia and demanded to invalidate this Decree of the Ministry of Investment on the nationalization of the property of Saxon companies. In addition, Saxony, referring to the obligations provided in the Agreement on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments concluded with Laconia in 2020, demanded compensation for the consequences of the illegal nationalization carried out by the Government of Laconia. However, on January 22, 2021, the President of Laconia announced a unilateral withdrawal from this agreement due to the deterioration of political and diplomatic relations between states, as well as the termination of all agreements previously concluded with Saxony. On the same day, Laconia declared all members of the diplomatic staff of the Saxon mission in Laconia as persona non grata (unacceptable). In turn, on January 22, 2021, Saxony sent protest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Laconia. Saxony accused the state of violating international obligations under the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations and required Laconia to justify its decision to declare all members of the diplomatic staff of the Saxon mission in Laconia as persona non grata (unacceptable). In addition, the President of Saxony has officially announced that the diplomatic staff of the Saxony mission will not leave the territory of Laconia until the moment when an official justification for the decision is received and its legality is proved. In turn, Laconia refused to provide a reasoned justification for the earlier decision and canceled the diplomatic status of the staff of the Saxony mission on its territory. Thus, a dispute arose between the states, which included several key issues. On April 20, 2021, the state of Saxony and Laconia referred this dispute to the International Court of Justice. The states of Laconia and Saxony have been parties of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of May 23, 1969 and the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations since January 2007. Determine whether adoption by Laconia of the Decree on the nationalization of the property of Saxon investor companies engaged in the development and production of oil on its territory, taking into account the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of May 23, 1969.

Question 10
Melpatia was a unitary state. In the period from 2003 to 2007, the population of the southern part of Melpatia - the Sani people - began to fight for their self-determination. Melpatia refused to secede from the people living in the southern part of the country, arguing that in the 16th century this land was conquered by King Melpatia. Sani, in turn, argued that the conquest in the 16th century was illegal, in addition, in the southern part of Melpatia there is a language of communication and representatives who are ready to form an official government in case of secession. In 2008, the Sani held a referendum on the territory of their residence and decided to secede from Melpatia. The new state of Sania was recognized by a small number of states of the international community, which was the reason for the authorities of Melpatia to declare that Sania is an illegally created state and control over its territory should be transferred to Melpatia. The tension between the countries was growing step by step. By 2019, Sani has become a fairly prosperous state with a developed level of medicine, economic stability, and a significant tourist flow. In 2019, the Melpatian state bodies accused the citizens of Sania of repeated illegal border crossing and violation of law and order in the territory of Melpatia. Relying on these facts as indicators of violation of the state border by Sania, as well as recalling the violation of the territorial integrity of the state at the time of Sania's self-determination, Melpatia launched a military operation "Shater", which consisted of bombing the northern border region of Sania. At the same time, Sania, requesting military assistance from Verginia, which recognized her state, and also notifying the UN Security Council, within the framework of the theory of collective self-defense, conducted a joint response operation with the Virginia against Melpatia, bombing the lands of Melpatia, where the troops were stationed. Melpatia applied to the UN International Court of Justice with a request to recognize that: - the actions of the Sani people to secede from Melpatia violated the territorial integrity of Melpatia; - the constant criminal actions of the Saniyans are a violation of the principle of inviolability of state borders by the Saniyans; - the bombardment of the lands of Melpatia is a violation of the principle of non-use of force, since it cannot be considered a countermeasure in response to the military actions of Melpatia in view of their validity. What are the grounds and procedure for the lawful self-determination of states? Explain the ways of resolving disputes regarding the self-determination of states in accordance with international law.

Question 11
Composition of a criminal offense: concept, types and meaning. Elements of the composition of a criminal offense

Question 12
The concept and system of punishment. The main types of punishments for criminal offenses

Question 13
Unfinished crime. Delineation of the stages of the commission of a crime

Question 14
Characteristics of the state as a subject of International Law

Question 15
Means of expressing consent to be bound by a treaty

Question 16
Elements of customary International Law

Question 17
The concept and essence of law. Approaches to understanding law

Question 18
Functions of law: content and meaning

Question 19
Functions of the state: concept, meaning and classification

Question 20
Constitutional and legal status of an individual: concept, classification of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Legal status of foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Question 21
Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Republic of Kazakhstan: concept, elements and content. The essence and meaning of the Constitution.

Question 22
Electoral law and electoral system: concept, principles and features. Types of the electoral system in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Question 23
Constitutional foundations of political pluralism and ideological diversity

Question 24
The ratio of the assignment of the right of claim and factoring: give a complete theoretical and doctrinal analysis.

Question 25
The civil nature of consent to legal action: legal effect and consequences

Question 26
Unilateral transactions in inheritance relations.

Question 27
Specificity of civil law regulation of "living" objects of civil law.

Question 28
Forum shopping: preconditions and ways to prevent (overcome)
Question 29
Public policy: the nature of the phenomenon and its role in Private International Law
Question 30
Renvoi: the nature of the phenomenon, arguments for and against use
Question 31
One-sided transactions requiring perception

Question 32
One- sided transactions that do not require perception.

Question 33
Legal nature of the penalty

Question 34
Registration system in Kazakhstan

Question 35
How are the sources of international law formed?

Question 36
What elements/characteristics should a state have to be recognized as a subject of international law?

Question 37
Expand the basic principles of international law and their place in the system of international law

Question 38
Structure, composition and procedure for the formation of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Competence of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and organizational forms of its implementation.

Question 39
State sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan: concept, content and essence.

Question 40
Responsibility in the constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Question 41
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the basic law of the state and society.

Question 42
Implementation of the provisions of international legal acts on the criminalization of criminal offenses in national legislation: opportunities for improving legislation or risks of legislative technique?

Question 43
The concept and features of the subject of a criminal offense: ways to improve legislation.

Question 44
Systematization of criminal legislation: ways to improve the structure of the Criminal Code.

Question 45
Law system. Concept and structure. Branch of law. Legal Institute.

Question 46
Legal facts. Concept, types and meaning in legal regulation. Actual (legal) composition.

Question 47
Forms (methods) of implementing the rules of law

Question 48
Correlation of will and intent as structural elements of a civil law transaction.

Question 49
Development of the system of sources of law in modern legal systems.

Question 50
The legality of actions as a condition for transaction validity in the theory of transactions: a critical analysis.

Question 51
How are sources of international law formed?

Question 52
What elements/characteristics must a state possess in order to be recognised as a subject of international law?

Question 53
Disclose the basic principles of international law and their place in the system of international law.

Question 54
Transaction-like actions and their difference from a transaction.


Question 1
Petrov, feeling hostile attitude towards his neighbors Ivanovs, who more than once made him remarks about "unworthy" behavior, decided to take their lives. On the scheduled day, expecting that the family members were at home, he opened the door of the Ivanovs' apartment and pounced on Ivanova, who went out to see who had come. With the belt he brought with him, he choked the woman until she stopped showing signs of life. Having passed the rooms, Petrov did not find the owner of the apartment, and remained to wait for him. A few minutes later, Ivanov entered the apartment, and Petrov hit him on the head with an iron. Ivanov died on the spot from the blow received. Qualify the actions of Petrov?

Question 2
Feeling hostile attitude towards Kaimetov, Akhmetov saw how the latter was going to meet him. Then Akhmetov snatched a knife from his bosom and hit Kaimetov in the neck. From the received wound, Kaimetov died on the spot. After that, Akhmetov dragged Kaimetov's body into the bushes, threw it in branches and left. After 30 minutes Akhmetov returned, took off his jacket, jacket and gold watch from Kaimetov's body, and took them with him. Practical question: qualify what Akhmetov did.

Question 3
A Kazakh family from the United States arrived at the Almaty airport: both parents are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have worked and lived in the United States for a long time. In the United States, the couple had a child who received US citizenship. In December 2016, on the eve of the EXPO, the Republic of Kazakhstan introduced a visa-free regime of up to 30 days with several countries, including the United States, based on paragraph 17 of the Rules of entry and stay of immigrants in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as their departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012). However, due to the pandemic, this paragraph was suspended by Government Decree No. 220 (dated April 17, 2020) until May 1, 2021. While passing through the border of Kazakhstan, the Border service refused to let their child, a US citizen, into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Border service acted in full compliance with the national legislation on the regime of crossing the State border by foreigners, even if it was a child. How to solve the presented situation, if the parents have permission to enter the host country, but their minor child does not, and his entry will lead to a violation of the State border crossing regime.

Question 4
In accordance with the Constitution adopted on May 11, 1979, a bicameral parliament was established in the state of Zamon. The post of the Head of state is elective. According to the Constitution, the head of state has no right to make laws. The government is headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Head of state. The powers of the Prime Minister may be terminated early if the Parliament expresses a vote of no confidence in the Government. The Upper House of Parliament, composed of state representatives, has the power to initiate an impeachment against the head of state, which is being investigated by the Upper House of Parliament of the Zamon State. The Supreme Court has the power to review laws for their compliance with the Constitution. Under Zamon's legislation, the lower courts are obliged to follow the decisions of the Supreme Court. A citizen of the state of Zamon, 15-year-old Rubina, was taken to a local hospital as a result of a traffic accident. Rubina fell into a coma, her body was completely paralyzed. Taking into account the doctor's recommendations, using the right provided by Zamon's legislation, the adoptive parents applied to disconnect Rubina from the life support apparatus. Describe the elements of the form of the specified state. Determine the types of sources of law in the specified state and describe their properties.

Question 5
The Government submitted to the Mazhilis of Parliament a draft law, which provided for an increase in the rate of individual income tax. At a joint meeting of the Chambers of Parliament, it was decided not to accept the submitted draft law. The Prime Minister raised the issue of confidence in the Government and at a joint meeting of the Chambers of Parliament, MPs expressed a vote of no confidence in the Government. The Government announced its resignation to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Can the Parliament express a vote of no confidence in the Government, in case of not accepting the draft law submitted to the Parliament? How can the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan act in this situation? Can the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan rescind the resignation of the Government and dissolve the Parliament in this situation?

Question 6
On May 20, 2021, IE Osipov (hereinafter referred to as the Claimant) filed a lawsuit to reclaim two mosaic grinders (hereinafter the disputed property), with a total value of 1,632,000 tenge, from the illegal possession of Remontnik LLP (hereinafter the Respondent). Justifying the stated requirements, the Claimant explained that the mosaic grinding machines belonging to him on the right of ownership were transferred to them by AYA LLP for temporary use under a property lease agreement concluded on 15.05.2020 for a period of one year. After the expiration of the lease agreement, it turned out that AYA LLP sold the disputed property to the Respondent in January 2021. The Claimant believes that AYA LLP did not have the right to alienate the disputed property, therefore the Respondent is an illegal owner. According to the Claimant, his claim is to be satisfied, and the disputed property must be reclaimed in accordance with the rules of Art. 260 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (reclaiming property from someone else's illegal possession). The defendant did not acknowledge the claim and objected to the claims presented, referring to his good faith and the acquisition of the disputed property for compensation. What decision should the court make on the presented conditions of the case story? Justify the answer.

Question 7
A preliminary agreement was concluded between Sberbank and the “Zarya” Peasant Farm (hereinafter - PF, peasant farm), according to which the parties undertook to conclude a lease agreement for equipment before the end of the sowing period (6 months after the conclusion of the preliminary agreement). The preliminary agreement determined the obligation of the peasant farm, 2 months before sowing, to make an advance payment of 2 million tenge to the bank's current account against future lease payments. Immediately after the receipt of money, the bank is obliged to purchase the necessary equipment from the manufacturer's plant, selected by the peasant farm, and store it for further transfer to the lease of the peasant farm with the terms of the subsequent redemption. After four months, the Bank, pursuant to a preliminary agreement, entered into a purchase and sale agreement with the manufacturer's plant, however, the specified amount of the advance payment was not transferred to the account of the Bank by the peasant farm. Dispute: By the due date, the parties entered into the principal agreement and the next day the bank issued claims for the recovery of a penalty for the late fulfillment of obligations under the preliminary agreement in terms of prepayment. PF objected, pointing out that it could not have any obligations to pay an advance, since the lease agreement had not yet been concluded. In addition, it turned out that as a result of a production defect, after a month of operation, the purchased equipment went out of operation and PF demanded that the manufacturer's plant (seller) replace the equipment within a reasonable time. The plant refused, referring to the fact that it had not entered into any agreement with PF and PF should present all its claims to the Bank, from which it rents this equipment. PF filed a written claim with the Bank to replace the equipment, to which the Bank refused, since, in the opinion of the Bank's representatives, the Seller should be responsible for the quality of the equipment. The bank cannot be held liable for a manufacturing defect of equipment that was purchased from the seller indicated by PF. Please provide for a legal analysis of the legal consequences of concluding a preliminary contract on those terms defined in the case. What kind of consequences is bound the parties on the terms of prepayment in the preliminary agreement?

Question 8
Malikov, deciding to give his wife a gift for her 30th birthday, applied to Sberbank to arrange a target loan agreement for the purchase of a car. One of the conditions of the bank for providing for a loan was the condition of securing the loan with a guarantee for half of the loan amount. Malikov asked his friend Petrov, with whom he entered into an agreement on the provision of a loan guarantee on the terms of payment for the specified service in the amount of 10% of the loan amount immediately after receiving money from the Bank. Petrov issued a statement with a notary, according to which he certifies the Bank on the provision of a guarantee in the amount of 10,000,000 tenge to Malikov on an obligation that Malikov will have in the future with the bank when concluding a bank loan agreement in the amount of 20,000,000 tenge for the purchase of a car. Malikov submitted this statement to the bank and entered into a loan agreement. 3 months after the conclusion of the agreement, Malikov had financial difficulties, and he stopped payments on schedule. The bank sued Petrov in the amount of 10,000,000 tenge in connection with Malikov's failure to fulfill his obligations under the agreement. Court dispute 1: Petrov said in court that he had not any debt before the bank, since no agreement had been concluded between him and the bank. In addition, there is also no expression of the will of the debtor in the statement for the provision of a guarantee, and therefore the guarantee agreement cannot be considered concluded. Moreover, Petrov believes that even if there is a guarantee agreement to him (to Petrov), the Bank can make claims only after taking all reasonable measures to collect the debt from Malikov (the debtor). The bank, in support of the concluded guarantee agreement, submitted Petrov's statement and the court satisfied the claim. Court dispute 2: Petrov, by way of recourse, presented claims to Malikov for the same amount. Malikov did not admit the claim and informed the court that they had already paid 2 million tenge to Petrov immediately after receiving the loan. In addition, Petrov did not involve Malikov in the dispute with the Bank and therefore this removes all liability from Malikov. Can a guarantee agreement be considered concluded in this situation and why? Please justify the answer.

Question 9
On September 15, 2020, the State of Saxony and the State of Laconia entered into an Agreement on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments. On January 18, 2021, the Ministry of Investment of Laconia adopts a Decree on the nationalization of the property of Saxon investor companies that have been developing and producing oil on its territory. On January 20, 2021, Saxony sent an official letter to Laconia and demanded to invalidate this Decree of the Ministry of Investment on the nationalization of the property of Saxon companies. In addition, Saxony, referring to the obligations provided in the Agreement on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments concluded with Laconia in 2020, demanded compensation for the consequences of the illegal nationalization carried out by the Government of Laconia. However, on January 21, 2021, the President of Laconia announced a unilateral withdrawal from this agreement due to the deterioration of political and diplomatic relations between states, as well as the termination of all agreements previously concluded with Saxony. On the same day, Laconia declared all members of the diplomatic staff of the Saxon mission in Laconia as persona non grata (unacceptable). In turn, on January 22, 2021, Saxony sent a protest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Laconia. Saxony accused the state of violating international obligations under the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations and required Laconia to justify its decision to declare all members of the diplomatic staff of the Saxon mission in Laconia as persona non grata (unacceptable). In addition, the President of Saxony has officially announced that the diplomatic staff of the Saxony mission will not leave the territory of Laconia until the moment when an official justification for the decision is received and its legality is proved. In turn, Laconia refused to provide a reasoned justification for the earlier decision and canceled the diplomatic status of the staff of the Saxony mission on its territory. Thus, a dispute arose between the states, which included several key issues. On April 20, 2021, the state of Saxony and Laconia referred this dispute to the International Court of Justice. The states of Laconia and Saxony have been parties of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of May 23, 1969 and the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations since January 2007. Determine the legitimacy of the statement by the President of Laconia on the unilateral withdrawal from the Agreement on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments due to the deterioration of political and diplomatic relations between states, as well as the termination of all agreements previously concluded with Saxony.

Question 10
Melpatia was a unitary state. In the period from 2003 to 2007, the population of the southern part of Melpatia - the Sani people - began to fight for their self-determination. Melpatia refused to secede from the people living in the southern part of the country, arguing that in the 16th century this land was conquered by King Melpatia. Sani, in turn, argued that the conquest in the 16th century was illegal, in addition, in the southern part of Melpatia there is a language of communication and representatives who are ready to form an official government in case of secession. In 2008, the Sani held a referendum on the territory of their residence and decided to secede from Melpatia. The new state of Sania was recognized by a small number of states of the international community, which was the reason for the authorities of Melpatia to declare that Sania is an illegally created state and control over its territory should be transferred to Melpatia. The tension between the countries was growing. By 2019, Sani has become a fairly prosperous state with a developed level of medicine, economic stability, and a significant tourist flow. In 2019, the Melpatian authorities accused the citizens of Sania of repeated illegal border crossing and violation of law and order in the territory of Melpatia. Relying on these facts as indicators of violation of the state border by Sania, as well as recalling the violation of the territorial integrity of the state at the time of Sania's self-determination, Melpatia launched a military operation "Shater", which consisted of bombing the northern border region of Sania. At the same time, Sania, requesting military assistance from Verginia, which recognized her state, and also notifying the UN Security Council, within the framework of the theory of collective self-defense, conducted a joint response operation with the Virginia against Melpatia, bombing the lands of Melpatia, where the troops were stationed. Melpatia applied to the UN International Court of Justice with a request to recognize that: - the actions of the Sani people to secede from Melpatia violated the territorial integrity of Melpatia; - the constant criminal actions of the Saniyans are a violation of the principle of inviolability of state borders by the Saniyans; - the bombardment of the lands of Melpatia is a violation of the principle of non-use of force, since it cannot be considered a countermeasure in response to the military actions of Melpatia in view of their validity. Imagine that you are a judge of the International Court of Justice of the United Nations. Resolve the case using legal reasoning, supported by an analysis of the facts from the plot of the case.

Question 11
Types of exemption from criminal liability and punishment. Legal basis for their application.

Question 12
The concept of circumstances precluding the criminality of an act. Differentiation of the types of circumstances.

Question 13
The concept and forms of guilt. The legal meaning of a crime committed with two forms of guilt.

Question 14
Extention of universal jurisdiction to crimes.

Question 15
Admissibility criteria for human rights restrictions under International and national law.

Question 16
Eligibility criteria for extradition under International Law.

Question 17
Application of law: concept, signs, features. Stages and acts of application of the law.

Question 18
Legal relations: concept, signs, composition, types. Legal fact: concept and types.

Question 19
Interpretation of law. Methods of interpretation of law, types of interpretation of law by subject and by volume. Features of acts of interpretation.

Question 20
Constitutional foundations of the organization and activities of public associations and political parties in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Question 21
Constitutional and legal status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The procedure for the election of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and dismissal. Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Advisory and advisory bodies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Question 22
Citizenship concept. The procedure for acquiring, terminating and changing citizenship.

Question 23
Constitutional foundations of the judiciary in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Judicial power: concept, essence, place in the system of separation of powers. Functions of the judiciary. Constitutional principles of justice. The system of the judiciary. Requirements for judges and selection procedure.

Question 24
The mechanism of judicial application of the principles of good faith, reasonableness and fairness.

Question 25
Innovation as a substitute for causa.

Question 26
Argument the presence or absence of binding of the assignee by the propogation agreement of the assignor.

Question 27
Problems of acquisitive law enforcement practice.

Question 28
The role of the closest connection principle in Private International Law
Question 29
The problems of application of the law of a country with multiple legal systems
Question 30
Lex mercatoria: the legal nature and problems of application

Question 31
Dispositional and obligatory transactions.
Question 32
Abstract transactions: legal implications.
Question 33
Elasticity of collateral.
Question 34
Deposit in the preliminary contract.
Question 35
Expand the criteria of legal personality in international law.
Question 36
Expand the main elements of an international treaty.
Question 37
Expand diplomatic privileges and immunities.
Question 38
The concept and principles, the subject of the republican referendum. Appointment and preparation of the republican referendum. The procedure for conducting and deciding the republican referendum.
Question 39
Institutions of state power. Implementation of state power through a system of checks and balances.
Question 40
Constitutional and legal foundations for the organization and activities of public associations in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Question 41
Implementation of the fundamental ideas of natural law at the heart of the modern constitutional status of the individual.
Question 42
The role of normative resolutions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issues of determining the content of the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Question 43
Criminal law as a legal means of ensuring the fight against corruption.
Question 44
Criminal offense: theoretical significance and practical significance.
Question 45
The structure of the legal norm. The rule of law and the article of the normative act, their correlation.
Question 46
Lawful behavior: concept, types and mechanisms of formation.
Question 47
Lawmaking: concept, principles, stages. Subjects and types of lawmaking
Question 48
Reveal the content of modern approaches to the analysis of the effectiveness of legal regulation.

Question 49
Discuss the criteria for the limits of liberty of contract when determining the terms of contracts.

Question 50
Discuss the content of the fairness doctrine in the law of property.

Question 51
Disclose the criteria of legal personality in international law.

Question 52
Disclose the main elements of a treaty (international agreement).

Question 53
Disclose diplomatic privileges and immunities.

Question 54
Explain the content and purpose of the "bankruptcy test".

Question 1
Petrov, feeling hostile attitude towards his neighbors Ivanovs, who more than once made him remarks about "unworthy" behavior, decided to take their lives. On the scheduled day, expecting that the family members were at home, he opened the door of the Ivanovs' apartment and pounced on Ivanova, who went out to see who had come. With the belt he brought with him, he choked the woman until she stopped showing signs of life. Having passed the rooms, Petrov did not find the owner of the apartment, and remained to wait for him. A few minutes later, Ivanov entered the apartment, and Petrov hit him on the head with an iron. Ivanov died on the spot from the blow received. How will the qualifications of what Petrov have done change if one of the victims survived as a result of the medical assistance provided?

Question 2
Feeling hostile attitude towards Kaimetov, Akhmetov saw how the latter was going to meet him. Then Akhmetov snatched a knife from his bosom and hit Kaimetov in the neck. From the received wound, Kaimetov died on the spot. After that, Akhmetov dragged Kaimetov's body into the bushes, threw it in branches and left. After 30 minutes Akhmetov returned, took off his jacket, jacket and gold watch from Kaimetov's body, and took them with him. Systemic competences: how will the qualifications of what Akhmetov have done change if the motive for the murder was the seizure of Kaymetov's property?

Question 3
A Kazakh family from the United States arrived at the Almaty airport: both parents are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have worked and lived in the United States for a long time. In the United States, the couple had a child who received US citizenship. In December 2016, on the eve of the EXPO, the Republic of Kazakhstan introduced a visa-free regime of up to 30 days with several countries, including the United States, based on paragraph 17 of the Rules of entry and stay of immigrants in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as their departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012). However, due to the pandemic, this paragraph was suspended by Government Decree No. 220 (dated April 17, 2020) until May 1, 2021. While passing through the border of Kazakhstan, the Border service refused to let their child, a US citizen, into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Border service acted in full compliance with the national legislation on the regime of crossing the State border by foreigners, even if it was a child. How to find a solution to the presented situation in the legal field based on current national legislation and international norms?

Question 4
In accordance with the Constitution adopted on May 11, 1979, a bicameral parliament was established in the state of Zamon. The post of the Head of state is elective. According to the Constitution, the head of state has no right to make laws. The government is headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Head of state. The powers of the Prime Minister may be terminated early if the Parliament expresses a vote of no confidence in the Government. The Upper House of Parliament, composed of state representatives, has the power to initiate an impeachment against the head of state, which is being investigated by the Upper House of Parliament of the Zamon State. The Supreme Court has the power to review laws for their compliance with the Constitution. Under Zamon's legislation, the lower courts are obliged to follow the decisions of the Supreme Court. A citizen of the state of Zamon, 15-year-old Rubina, was taken to a local hospital as a result of a traffic accident. Rubina fell into a coma, her body was completely paralyzed. Taking into account the doctor's recommendations, using the right provided by Zamon's legislation, the adoptive parents applied to disconnect Rubina from the life support apparatus. Expand the axiological aspects of the rule of law. How do natural and positive law relate to each other?

Question 5
The Government submitted to the Mazhilis of Parliament a draft law, which provided for an increase in the rate of individual income tax. At a joint meeting of the Chambers of Parliament, it was decided not to accept the submitted draft law. The Prime Minister raised the issue of confidence in the Government and at a joint meeting of the Chambers of Parliament, MPs expressed a vote of no confidence in the Government. The Government announced its resignation to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Carry out a legal analysis of the described legal situation, evaluate the actions of each participant and motivate your answer, referring to the norms of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Explain the interaction between the legislative and the executive branch of government in the system of separation of powers.

Question 6
On May 20, 2021, IE Osipov (hereinafter referred to as the Claimant) filed a lawsuit to reclaim two mosaic grinders (hereinafter the disputed property), with a total value of 1,632,000 tenge, from the illegal possession of Remontnik LLP (hereinafter the Respondent). Justifying the stated requirements, the Claimant explained that the mosaic grinding machines belonging to him on the right of ownership were transferred to them by AYA LLP for temporary use under a property lease agreement concluded on 15.05.2020 for a period of one year. After the expiration of the lease agreement, it turned out that AYA LLP sold the disputed property to the Respondent in January 2021. The Claimant believes that AYA LLP did not have the right to alienate the disputed property, therefore the Respondent is an illegal owner. According to the Claimant, his claim is to be satisfied, and the disputed property must be reclaimed in accordance with the rules of Art. 260 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (reclaiming property from someone else's illegal possession). The defendant did not acknowledge the claim and objected to the claims presented, referring to his good faith and the acquisition of the disputed property for compensation. Will the decision of the court change if during the court hearing it was established that the full payment of the disputed property by the Defendant was made only after receiving a copy of the statement of claim, in May 2021. Justify the answer.

Question 7
A preliminary agreement was concluded between Sberbank and the “Zarya” Peasant Farm (hereinafter - PF, peasant farm), according to which the parties undertook to conclude a lease agreement for equipment before the end of the sowing period (6 months after the conclusion of the preliminary agreement). The preliminary agreement determined the obligation of the peasant farm, 2 months before sowing, to make an advance payment of 2 million tenge to the bank's current account against future lease payments. Immediately after the receipt of money, the bank is obliged to purchase the necessary equipment from the manufacturer's plant, selected by the peasant farm, and store it for further transfer to the lease of the peasant farm with the terms of the subsequent redemption. After four months, the Bank, pursuant to a preliminary agreement, entered into a purchase and sale agreement with the manufacturer's plant, however, the specified amount of the advance payment was not transferred to the account of the Bank by the peasant farm. Dispute: By the due date, the parties entered into the principal agreement and the next day the bank issued claims for the recovery of a penalty for the late fulfillment of obligations under the preliminary agreement in terms of prepayment. PF objected, pointing out that it could not have any obligations to pay an advance, since the lease agreement had not yet been concluded. In addition, it turned out that as a result of a production defect, after a month of operation, the purchased equipment went out of operation and PF demanded that the manufacturer's plant (seller) replace the equipment within a reasonable time. The plant refused, referring to the fact that it had not entered into any agreement with PF and PF should present all its claims to the Bank, from which it rents this equipment. PF filed a written claim with the Bank to replace the equipment, to which the Bank refused, since, in the opinion of the Bank's representatives, the Seller should be responsible for the quality of the equipment. The bank cannot be held liable for a manufacturing defect of equipment that was purchased from the seller indicated by PF. Please identify the entity liable for the quality of the leased equipment and justify the answer.

Question 8
Malikov, deciding to give his wife a gift for her 30th birthday, applied to Sberbank to arrange a target loan agreement for the purchase of a car. One of the conditions of the bank for providing for a loan was the condition of securing the loan with a guarantee for half of the loan amount. Malikov asked his friend Petrov, with whom he entered into an agreement on the provision of a loan guarantee on the terms of payment for the specified service in the amount of 10% of the loan amount immediately after receiving money from the Bank. Petrov issued a statement with a notary, according to which he certifies the Bank on the provision of a guarantee in the amount of 10,000,000 tenge to Malikov on an obligation that Malikov will have in the future with the bank when concluding a bank loan agreement in the amount of 20,000,000 tenge for the purchase of a car. Malikov submitted this statement to the bank and entered into a loan agreement. 3 months after the conclusion of the agreement, Malikov had financial difficulties, and he stopped payments on schedule. The bank sued Petrov in the amount of 10,000,000 tenge in connection with Malikov's failure to fulfill his obligations under the agreement. Court dispute 1: Petrov said in court that he had not any debt before the bank, since no agreement had been concluded between him and the bank. In addition, there is also no expression of the will of the debtor in the statement for the provision of a guarantee, and therefore the guarantee agreement cannot be considered concluded. Moreover, Petrov believes that even if there is a guarantee agreement to him (to Petrov), the Bank can make claims only after taking all reasonable measures to collect the debt from Malikov (the debtor). The bank, in support of the concluded guarantee agreement, submitted Petrov's statement and the court satisfied the claim. Court dispute 2: Petrov, by way of recourse, presented claims to Malikov for the same amount. Malikov did not admit the claim and informed the court that they had already paid 2 million tenge to Petrov immediately after receiving the loan. In addition, Petrov did not involve Malikov in the dispute with the Bank and therefore this removes all liability from Malikov. Please provide for a detailed reasoned analysis of Malikov's arguments on court dispute 2.

Question 9
On September 15, 2020, the State of Saxony and the State of Laconia entered into an Agreement on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments. On January 18, 2021, the Ministry of Investment of Laconia adopts a Decree on the nationalization of the property of Saxon investor companies that have been developing and producing oil on its territory. On January 20, 2021, Saxony sent an official letter to Laconia and demanded to invalidate this Decree of the Ministry of Investment on the nationalization of the property of Saxon companies. In addition, Saxony, referring to the obligations provided in the Agreement on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments concluded with Laconia in 2020, demanded compensation for the consequences of the illegal nationalization carried out by the Government of Laconia. However, on January 21, 2021, the President of Laconia announced a unilateral withdrawal from this agreement due to the deterioration of political and diplomatic relations between states, as well as the termination of all agreements previously concluded with Saxony. On the same day, Laconia declared all members of the diplomatic staff of the Saxon mission in Laconia as persona non grata (unacceptable). In turn, on January 22, 2021, Saxony sent a protest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Laconia. Saxony accused the state of violating international obligations under the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations and required Laconia to justify its decision to declare all members of the diplomatic staff of the Saxon mission in Laconia as persona non grata (unacceptable). In addition, the President of Saxony has officially announced that the diplomatic staff of the Saxony mission will not leave the territory of Laconia until the moment when an official justification for the decision is received and its legality is proved. In turn, Laconia refused to provide a reasoned justification for the earlier decision and canceled the diplomatic status of the staff of the Saxony mission on its territory. Thus, a dispute arose between the states, which included several key issues. On April 20, 2021, the state of Saxony and Laconia referred this dispute to the International Court of Justice. The states of Laconia and Saxony have been parties of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of May 23, 1969 and the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations since January 2007. Evaluate whether Laconia's actions to declare all members of the diplomatic staff of the Saxon mission in Laconia as persona non grata (inadmissible) are legitimate, taking into account the obligations under the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

Question 10
Melpatia was a unitary state. In the period from 2003 to 2007, the population of the southern part of Melpatia - the Sani people - began to fight for their self-determination. Melpatia refused to secede from the people living in the southern part of the country, arguing that in the 16th century this land was conquered by King Melpatia. Sani, in turn, argued that the conquest in the 16th century was illegal, in addition, in the southern part of Melpatia there is a language of communication and representatives who are ready to form an official government in case of secession. In 2008, the Sani held a referendum on the territory of their residence and decided to secede from Melpatia. The new state of Sania was recognized by a small number of states of the international community, which was the reason for the authorities of Melpatia to declare that Sania is an illegally created state and control over its territory should be transferred to Melpatia. The tension between the countries was growing. By 2019, Sani has become a fairly prosperous state with a developed level of medicine, economic stability, and a significant tourist flow. In 2019, the Melpatian authorities accused the citizens of Sania of repeated illegal border crossing and violation of law and order in the territory of Melpatia. Relying on these facts as indicators of violation of the state border by Sania, as well as recalling the violation of the territorial integrity of the state at the time of Sania's self-determination, Melpatia launched a military operation "Shater", which consisted of bombing the northern border region of Sania. At the same time, Sania, requesting military assistance from Verginia, which recognized her state, and also notifying the UN Security Council, within the framework of the theory of collective self-defense, conducted a joint response operation with the Virginia against Melpatia, bombing the lands of Melpatia, where the troops were stationed. Melpatia applied to the UN International Court of Justice with a request to recognize that: - the actions of the Sani people to secede from Melpatia violated the territorial integrity of Melpatia; - the constant criminal actions of the Saniyans are a violation of the principle of inviolability of state borders by the Saniyans; - the bombardment of the lands of Melpatia is a violation of the principle of non-use of force, since it cannot be considered a countermeasure in response to the military actions of Melpatia in view of their validity. Expand your vision of the theory of collective security and its potential development in the light of the current geopolitical situation.

Question 11
Forms of complicity. Delimitation of types of criminal group and its criminal legal significance.

Question 12
Theoretical and practical issues of establishing the criminal liability of legal entities.

Question 13
The system of punishments: new types of punishments and their practical significance.

Question 14
The role of the UN International Law Commission in the development and codification of International Law.

Question 15
Application of self-executing and non-self-executing provisions of treaties in the domestic legal system.

Question 16
Constitutionalism and Fragmentation in International Law.

Question 17
The ratio of the legal and social state. Individual rights in the context of the theory of the welfare state

Question 18
Methodological aspects of general and sectoral principles of law in the system of sources of Kazakh law

Question 19
Problems of the impact of globalization processes on the sovereignty of states and national legal systems

Question 20
Legislative process in the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main stages, the voting procedure and the adoption of the bill. Resolution of conflicts between the Houses of Parliament.

Question 21
Local self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan: issues of legal regulation and improvement of the national model

Question 22
Constitutional supervision and constitutional control: origin, purpose, features.

Question 23
Legal status and guarantees of independence of the Commissioner for Human Rights.

Question 24
Correlation of the doctrine of frustration with the institution of impossibility of execution.

Question 25
Correlation of Iniusta causa and antisocial doctrines.

Question 26
Reflection of the doctrine of "Rei Vindicatio" (vindication) in law enforcement practice in cases of reclaiming a thing from someone else's illegal possession.

Question 27
Abstraction of managerial transactions: justification of positions "for" or "against".

Question 28
Impact of the unification of substantive law on the development of Private International Law
Question 29
Affiliation of Private International Law to international or national law
Question 30
Private International Law in the era of digitalization: new problems and methods of solution
Question 31
Accessory collateral.
Question 32
Proprietary security structures.
Question 33
Personal security structures.
Question 34
Expand the main elements of international custom as a source of international law.
Question 35
Expand the criteria for the admissibility of countermeasures in international law.
Question 36
Expand the legal criteria for the admissibility of restricting human rights in international law and / or national law.
Question 37
Institution of the Ombudsman, legal status and guarantees of independence.
Question 38
Constitutional and legal regulation of the organization and activities of state bodies with a special status.
Question 39
The role and competence of the Government of Kazakhstan in the system of separation of powers. Responsibility and accountability of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Question 40
The significance of the constitutional reform of Kazakhstan in 2022 in the further modernization of society and the state.
Question 41
Subjects of corruption crimes: issues of classification and differentiation by type.
Question 42
The system of punishments as a tool for determining a fair measure of responsibility.
Question 43
The principle of humanism in criminal law and its impact on the fight against crime.
Question 44
Gaps in the law and ways to fill them. Collisions in law and ways to resolve them.
Question 45
Correlation between law and morality: unity, difference, interaction, contradictions.
Question 46
The concept of law and order. Relationship between law, order and democracy.
Question 47
The system of law and the system of legislation: correlation problems
Question 48
The will-substituting effect of the judicial act.

Question 49
Methods of analyzing causal relationships in law.

Question 50
Quasi-contract as a special legal category.

Question 51
Disclose the main elements of international custom as a source of international law.

Question 52
Disclose the criteria for the admissibility of countermeasures in international law.

Question 53
Disclose the legitimate criteria for permissible limitations of human rights in international law and/or national law.

Question 54
Accessoriness of security structures.

The official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST), issued by the NTC (of any level)
(International English Language Testing System Academic)
IELTS Academic
minimum score -
no less than 5,5
(Test of English as a Foreign
Language Internet-based test)
minimum score -
no less than 46
*Those who have a TOEFL IBT certificate (Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Program) take additional English proficiency test before the start of the entrance exam.
(Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm)
minimum score -
no less than 46
Deutsche Sprachpruеfung fuеr den Hochschulzugang
(DSH, NiveauВ2/В2 level), TestDaF-Prufung (Niveau В2/В2 level)
(Test de Franзais International™)
at least B2 level in the reading and listening sections
(Diplome d'Etudes en Langue franзaise)
B2 level
(Diplome Approfondi de Langue franзaise
В2 level
(Test de connaissance du franзais)
no less than 50 points
Korgalzhyn highway, 8
Telegram channel