1. In the process of budget establishment and allocation, the University is guided by the Regulations on Current and Long-term Planning. According to the Regulation, there is a clear procedure for the establishment and approval of the budget. The Budget Task Group forms and makes a preliminary approval of the University's budget for the current year. The collegial executive body of Maqsut Narikbayev University, the Board, finally approves the budget.
2. The Budget Task Group approves budget application forms, which are filled out by the Head of the structural divisions and submitted for consideration and discussion by the Budget Task Group.
3. Based on the results of the budget review of structural divisions, the Budget Task Group forms a general budget with specific items and submits it to the Board for approval. The Board approves the University's budget for the current year at an in-person meeting by drafting a Protocol.
4. After the budget is approved, budgets are distributed to structural divisions via electronic document management.
5. According to the Regulations, within the established period, the Budget Task Group, based on the submitted applications and explanations, redistributes funds between the approved budget items, but within the approved fixed budget of the University.
6. The University does not plan overhead costs when establishing the budget due to the fact that the Budget Task Group forms and approves detailed transcripts and specific budget items of the University.
7. According to the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Joint Stock Companies, the University annually conducts an external audit by independent auditors for the past year.