It is also worth mentioning that Maqsut Narikbayev was a supporter of introducing the Institute of Peace Magistrates in Kazakhstan. He believed that in this matter it is possible to rely on the experience of domestic history, in particular, on the well-known court of biys. Biys were elected by the region's population to consider and resolve various kinds of uncomplicated and non-socially dangerous cases. The main function of biys was to reconciliation of the parties, rather than to deprive a person of liberty. Today this issue is relevant and expedient, as conciliatory procedures are being introduced into judicial proceedings to resolve disputes and at the same time bring the case to trial.
Upon the initiative and with the participation of Maqsut Narikbayev, the project of the monument of three famous Kazakh biys of the XVIII century - Tole bi, Kazybek bi and Ayteke bi was created, which is installed near the first building of the Supreme Court in the capital. Later on, based on his proposal, a scholarship named after the Three Biys was established at KAZGUU, and one of the classrooms of the university was named in honour of the great Kazakh figures.
During the M. Narikbayev’s chairmanship of the Supreme Court of the Republic, the legislation on the judiciary introduced universally recognised principles of international law, as well as enshrined the basis for ensuring the independence of judges in the pursuit of justice.
М. Narikbayev repeatedly emphasised that the most important aspect, alongside the independence of judges, was to ensure strict accountability of their activities to the state and society.