Maqsut Narikbayev in his scientific works paid substantial attention to the theoretical formulation of issues associated with the resolution of the civilised legal protection of normal market economic relations in our country. In particular, rightly enough, he pointed to the fact that the legislation does not clearly regulate the issues of ensuring solid guarantees of entrepreneurial activity protection from arbitrariness and abuses by officials of various ranks.

Maqsut Narikbayev has trained six doctors and ten candidates of law sciences. He was also the Chairman of the Inter-university Educational and Methodological Section on Jurisprudence.
A wide range of issues are considered in the scientific works of Professor M. Narikbayev: the problems of criminology and criminal law, the history of the court of biys, the judicial system of Kazakhstan of the twentieth century, the strategy of legal and political development, the formation of an effective state, the protection of constitutional rights of citizens, the legal status of the state language, the improvement of public administration, judicial system, electoral and social legislation.

Maqsut Narikbayev in his scientific works paid substantial attention to the theoretical formulation of issues associated with the resolution of the civilised legal protection of normal market economic relations in our country. In particular, rightly enough, he pointed to the fact that the legislation does not clearly regulate the issues of ensuring solid guarantees of entrepreneurial activity protection from arbitrariness and abuses by officials of various ranks.

Maqsut Narikbayev has trained six doctors and ten candidates of law sciences. He was also the Chairman of the Inter-university Educational and Methodological Section on Jurisprudence.
Scholarly works and citations
In 1997, in the Dissertation Council of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow), M. Narikbayev defended his doctoral dissertation on ‘Criminal and Legal Protection of Childhood in the Republic of Kazakhstan’. The dissertation deals with pressing issues of reforming criminal legislation in the challenging and contradictory transition period of the 1990s. The scholar relied on the principle that the youth education is the most important factor in the prevention of organised crime.
Chapter 7
Scientific Works:
Narikbayev M. Podrostok i zakon: (O nekotoryh prichinah prestupnosti nesovershennoletnih i merah bor'by s nej). — Alma-Ata: Mektep, 1981. — 96 p.

Narikbayev M. Pravovaja ohrana detstva. — Alma-Ata: Mektep, 1984. — 64 p.

Narikbayev M. Ugolovno-pravovy`e i kriminologicheskie aspekty` bor`by` s prestupleniyami nesovershennoletnix: Avtoref. dis. kand. yurid. nauk. — Almaty`, 1996.

Narikbayev M. Ugolovno-pravovaya oxrana detstva v Respublike Kazaxstan: Avtoref. dis. d-ra yurid. nauk. — M., 1997. — 53 p.

Narikbayev M. Doroga k pravosudiyu: (Zapechatl. mgnoveniya). — Almaty`: Elimaj kontakt, 1997. — 231 p.

Narikbayev M., Udartsev S. Vy`sshee yuridicheskoe obrazovanie v Kazaxstane v XXI veke: reformy`, problemy` i perspektivy`. Astana: Foliant, 2014 – 336 p.

Narikbayev M. Ūlt mäselesınde şamadan tys qyzuqandylyqtan görı, baiypty qadamnan ūtarymyz köp = Sozidaya naciyu, ob``edinyat`, a ne raz``edinyat` / M. Narikbaev ; Demokraticheskaya partiya "Ädılet". - Astana, 2010. - 23 p.

Narikbayev M. Nash put` spravedlivosti: obshhestvenno-politicheskaya literatura. - Astana, 2010. - 140 p.

Narikbayev M. Kazaxstan: gody` reform. Dialogi i razmy`shleniya KazGYuU. - Astana: CzBO i MI, 2010. - 544 p.

Narikbayev M., Ismailov O. Trudny`e stupeni schast`ya: Kniga dialogov /. - Almaty`, 2006. - 576 p.

Narikbayev M. , Kravchenko A., Sulejmenova U. Praktika rassmotreniya xozyajstvenny`x sporov sudebnoj kollegiej po xozyajstvenny`m delam Verxovnogo Suda Respubliki Kazaxstan (1998 god)/ M. - Almaty` : Zhetі zharғy`, 1999. - 128 p.

Narikbayev M. Sudebno-pravovaya reforma i politicheskaya modernizaciya v Kazaxstane: realii i perspektivy` : uchebnoe posobie / KazGUU. - Astana, 2008.

Narikbayev M. Mama-moyo sokrovishhe : sbornik vospominanij. - Karaganda : Forma plyus, 2016. - 156 p.

Narikbayev M. O prave, gosudarstve i politike: aforizmy` i vy`skazy`vaniya./sost. S. F. Udartsev. - Astana : TOO " CzBO i MI", 2011. - 77 p.
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